
SMA Associate Spotlight: Luis Estrada

October 7, 2022

The keynote speaker at our Town Hall #119 this week was Luis Estrada, an SMA associate who specializes in orals and video production management. With more than 30 years of experience in complex video production management, he described his impressive journey while sharing advice with professionals everywhere. Luis has the unique distinction among our associates for having been nominated twice for an Emmy Award and won three Addy Awards.

Luis is an accomplished creative executive, producer, director, production manager, mentor, and entrepreneur. His broad areas of expertise include radio, tv and film production, financial analysis reporting, overall sales and marketing development, branding, and operational excellence. He is a valuable consultant when it comes to developing and implementing innovative revenue generation and/or branding strategies. He has held leadership roles and production positions with KPBS TV (PBS) & National Public Radio (NPR), major media corporations including Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc, (TNT and Cartoon Network Latin) Univision, NBC/Telemundo, Fremantle, and Paramount Pictures.

In 2021, Luis joined the SMA family, and his first big engagement was on the Humana Tricare project with Alan Berman and Susan Trivers. This request for proposal (RFP) required a one-hour video and had a tight deadline. The video was shot in Louisville, Kentucky with a handful of Humana’s key executives. Luis was the director and producer for this compelling broadcast-quality video.

Shortly after his first engagement, he assisted on the production of the Talent on Demand (TOD®) video and continues to advise on our weekly Town Halls. Luis was recently deployed to Palmdale, California, Fort Worth, Texas, and Marietta, Georgia where he has been working with 39 Lockheed Martin employees on orals presentations.

Luis said, “If you love what you do for a living you never work a day in your life.” His sage words of advice are when you enjoy doing something at work, then keep doing it and continue to get better at it. He further explained that it is important to continue to evolve, learn and make yourself marketable, no matter what! Lastly, Luis said that at a company like SMA, there are so many different things you can do, and the more skill sets you can get or improve by doing those things, the better you will be. To watch his entire segment on the Town Hall, click HERE.

To meet other hardworking associates like Luis, log in to our TOD® platform. SMA Talent on Demand (TOD®) is the industry-leading platform that connects project needs with an array of professional talent more precisely, efficiently, and effortlessly than before. If you have project needs, click HERE to find the perfect SMA associate or team to help you succeed.

Posted on October 7, 2022, by Nicole Matar, SMA, Inc.