Black Hat Review

Our Black Hat approach maximizes the skills and experience of the review attendees, while driving toward actionable findings for your capture team. We size and tailor our participation based on your understanding of its need ranging from basic Subject Matter Expert (SME) support through fully facilitation and post-session findings, led by a skilled facilitator. Black Hat level of support relies on SMEs selected for insights the customer, competition, and offering. Our SMEs and project teams supplement your experts, to develop a collaborative view of likely competitor solutions.
The findings from the competitive assessment serve as the foundation for our Black Hat support. Our scalable support approach to Black Hat reviews comprises:
Black Hat review
Beyond the basic offering of SME support, we offer three additional levels of support:
  • Level 2 includes a pre-Black Hat review preparation briefing that sets the stage for the competitor role playing in with an in depth understanding of what the competitor is thinking and why
  • Level 3 includes our facilitation to guide the progress of the Black Hat review team discussion to achieve the greatest benefit with most accuracy, and best use of time
  • Level 4 adds a Black Hat review out brief. This out brief includes the most compelling aspects of the team’s discussion, describing the competition’s strategy for winning, themes and messages as well as the competition’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats thereby vali-dating a fundamental understanding of the competitor.
The value we bring to the exercise is to keep you ever mindful of who your competition is, how competitive each is, and why.