
Watch our Talent on Demand (TOD)® Live Demos from WBVE!

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July 28, 2020

Last week, as a Primary Sponsor of the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) Winning Business Virtual Experience (WBVE), we had the opportunity to deliver a live, 15-minute demonstration of the Team Builder portal for clients in our Talent on Demand (TOD)® platform. This showed how our clients can use TOD® to precision match their proposal and project staffing needs to our Associates at the Speed of Need!

We also delivered two, 2-minute live demonstrations during our “Inspiration and Diversions from SMA” one-hour presentation, which was awarded a WBVE Palm award from APMP. (If you are an APMP member, you can watch a replay of this session until the end of August 2020.) One of the shorter demos shows how our Associates can express their interest in any of our upcoming opportunities: we offer complete deployment transparency to all our Associates.

Here’s our 15-minute live demo of the TOD® Team Builder portal:

Don’t have 15 minutes to spare? Watch our 2-minute videos:

If you need to supplement your proposal or project team with precision matched talent at the Speed of Need™, or you would like to join our amazing talent pool, sign up for a free account on TOD® today!

Our Talent on Demand® platform is free to use, and you can install our TOD® app on your iPhone or Android smartphone:

TOD Apple app store button TOD on google play store button

Posted on July 28, 2020, by Dick Eassom, CF APMP Fellow, SMA, Inc.