CAM Interview Training

What is CAM Interview Training?

CAM Interview Training is similar to the interviewing element of the EVMS Mock review. There are two versions of this training. The first is a full simulation of the customer led interview followed by feedback to the Control Account Manager (CAM). The other version emphasizes coaching and mentoring, not just assessing. This is recommended for all contractors who will be undergoing a review, such as a Progress Assessment Visit, a Validation Review or a Compliance Review.

CAM Interview Training Benefits

  • Because CAMs are better prepared, government reviews are more successful
  • Issues uncovered through interviews can be addressed before the government review
  • Systemic issues can be targeted by CAM training

Full Range of EVMS Services

SMA does more than training… we actually do EVM. If your implementation needs additional support, we can provide it. Additional EVMS services include: EVMS gap analysis, CAM certification, system evaluation, implementation planning, and custom training.

Improving CAM Performance

At the end of each interview session, we provide the CAM with a recap, identifying what went well and citing specific actions for improvement. We also provide management with a summary of CAM performance, systemic issues, and actions for the group. Optionally we can test CAM EVMS knowledge both before and after the interviews, to gauge the effectiveness of the interview training.

Why SMA for CAM Interview Training?

Contractors often don’t have the time, independence or experience with government EVMS reviews. We do. We know what reviewers will ask for (some of our people are former government reviewers). We know how government reviewers interview CAMs, and the best way to prepare. We are an independent third party, able to make dispassionate assessments and recommendations.