Market Franchise Map

Campaign strategies, the intermediate level of strategy between corporate/business unit strategy and capture, are the pivotal aspect of winning in specific market areas. When executed effectively, they operationalize strategy for execution by business development professionals at all organizational levels, becoming the platform for creating new opportunities and coherently exploiting competitive advantages to contest for or defend leadership positions in the marketplace.
Our approach combines a bottom-up analysis and synthesis of specific opportunities with a comprehensive view of your applicable markets guided by insights into competitive dynamics and customer needs. A campaign plan has three elements:
  1. Assessment of market franchise potential,
  2. Competitive positioning analysis, and
  3. Pipeline evaluation.
Well-planned and executed campaign strategies can lead to enduring market franchises—a position of competitive advantage in specific markets resulting from a portfolio of strategically related programs that create barriers to entry over long periods. While market franchises are aspirational for many companies, it is something that successful companies routinely do. Here is an example of a market franchise map for the High Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) market across multiple missions:
Maket Franchise Map
To create your Market Franchise Map, we conduct research and analysis to identify existing and potential program opportunities in the relevant markets across the high-potential segments identified in our market arena assessment. We then evaluate the programs from the perspective of their potential for market franchise creation.